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Earn2Trade Pledge

Our goal is to provide aspiring futures traders with, first, exposure to markets in a low risk setting and, second, the possibility of accessing trading capital and joining a proprietary trading firm.

Earn2Trade Pledge

Earn2Trade was created to provide a trader evaluation program for aspiring futures traders. Our goal is to provide aspiring futures traders with, first, exposure to markets in a low risk setting and, second, the possibility of accessing trading capital and joining a proprietary trading firm. As the industry has grown, Earn2Trade identified a need to provide a positive framework for growth that would reflect the aspirations of its community. In order to realize those aspirations, Earn2Trade has committed to the following principles:
  • Prepare Aspiring Futures Traders for Live Futures Markets
  • Provide Equal Opportunity for Aspiring Futures Traders
  • Provide a Fair, Objective and Low Risk Environment for Aspiring Futures Traders
  • Practice Transparent Business Policies
  • Reject Deceptive Marketing Practices
  • Educate Aspiring Futures Traders on the Risks Associated with Trading
  • Where appropriate, to implement independent compliance and audit protocols from a neutral third party source
Preparing Aspiring Futures Traders for Live Futures Markets
Earn2Trade is primarily focused on helping the aspiring futures trader community learn and develop trading and risk management skills in a low risk, real-time simulated environment. Earn2Trade strongly believes that the experience of simulated trading, as experiential learning, is a valuable educational piece that will help increase the likelihood of trader success. Earn2Trade provides a real-time simulated trading environment to help aspiring futures traders safely learn how to trade and to develop the skills and the discipline necessary to be more prepared for live trading, whether it be their personal or proprietary capital. Earn2Ttrade believes the service provided is good for the trading community and the financial industry as a whole.
Providing Equal Opportunity for Aspiring Futures Traders
Earn2Trade firmly believes that success in trading is not exclusively contingent on a formal or professional background, and that the current technological environment has opened up opportunities for trading in a democratic way. While in the past, trading was often the exclusive domain of a closed, small group of professionals, non-professional traders are testing their mettle in the market in growing numbers.

Earn2Trade endeavors to support the rights of, and provide opportunities for aspiring futures traders to join the professional trading industry, by testing themselves through an objective examination and joining a proprietary trading firm as professional traders.

Except where legally prohibited, Earn2Trade commits to provide aspiring futures traders, regardless of physical location, race, religious beliefs, age, gender, income level or other differentiation, with access to a process that objectively measures performance and ultimately leads to the possibility of trading proprietary capital for those who meet the applicable standards.
Provide a Fair, Objective and Low Risk Environment for Aspiring Futures Traders
Earn2Trade undertakes to provide an objective and low risk environment for aspiring futures traders to receive exposure to markets. Accordingly, Earn2Trade commits to the following principles:
  • 1.
    Provide an objective service for aspiring futures trader to have their trading evaluated
  • 2.
    Provide aspiring futures traders with the option of at least one live third party data feed connectivity service for their evaluation
  • 3.
    Provide aspiring futures traders with the option of multiple third party trading platforms for their evaluation
  • 4.
    Ensure the impartiality of and prevention of manipulation of any trades made over the course of the examination, and commit to non interference or manipulation with any part of the data feed
  • 5.
    Commit to respond in a reasonably prompt and effective manner to any customer support, billing, and technical support requests, including directing traders with platform or data inquiries to their respective providers
  • 6.
    Ensure that successful candidates who successfully complete their evaluations are reasonably promptly onboarded to proprietary trading accounts, without inappropriate delays
  • 7.
    Recognize that it is not a registered Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) and refrain from providing any specific or tailored trading advice to aspiring futures traders.
Practice Transparent Business Policies
Earn2Trade commits to abide by the principle of transparency towards their aspiring futures traders in all relevant interactions regarding sales, support, technical or promotional concerns. All efforts must be made to disclose relevant evaluation rules and parameters, relevant business practices, contact information and other conditions or procedures in the clearest and most forthright way possible. Earn2Trade adheres to the following transparency policies and provide all relevant information either on, or directly linked to the product page:
  • 1.
    Disclosure of verified examination pass rates on website
  • 2.
    Provision of contact information with registered or operating office address
  • 3.
    Transparency regarding the differences between live (Live Account) and sim funded accounts (LiveSim), and discussion of differences between how different categories of accounts are provided to traders who qualify, and how such accounts are managed.
  • 4.
    Written disclosure of withdrawal conditions, procedures and timelines
  • 5.
    Written disclosure of all rules and fees
  • 6.
    Disclosure of funding company for proprietary accounts, and disclosure of the FCM where live funded accounts are carried
  • 7.
    Provision of a link on the website to a document with the entire Earn2Trade pledge
  • 8.
    Provide appropriate disclaimers on substantially all website pages
Reject Deceptive Marketing Practices
Earn2Trade understands that good trading takes time to develop and learn. Earn2Trade rejects negative, deceptive, malicious, inflammatory, fraudulent or otherwise inappropriate marketing practices. Specifically, marketing shall never present the examinations (or the examination process) as a path to wealth or an extravagant lifestyle and shall always be accompanied by appropriate disclaimers. The difficulty of long-term successful trading shall not be minimized, and Earn2Trade shall not present the lifestyle available to successful traders in a manner that suggests that such lifestyle is achieved except by a minority of traders.
Educate Traders on the Risks Associated with Trading
Earn2Trade commits to educating aspiring futures traders about the risks associated with trading. Earn2Trade shall provide an objective, non-product specific trading education that emphasizes risk management as the fundamental principle underlying responsible trading. This information is made available for free with all of our examinations, or can be purchased separately as the Beginner Crash Course. Earn2Trade also offers freely available media, including but not limited to:
  • 1.
    Blog or news articles
  • 2.
    Informational videos
  • 3.
    Social media sites
  • 4.
    Email newsletters
Submit to Independent Compliance and Audit Reviews
Earn2Trade will submit itself to periodic examinations by independent examiners, for the purpose of assessing its compliance to its Pledge commitments. Any material issues will be reported and disclosed by, Earn2Trade.
Download the Compliance Audit


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Earn2Trade LLC

30 N Gould St STE 4000, Sheridan, WY 82801
إخلاء مسؤولية
إخلاء مسؤولية
سياسة الاستخدام
سياسة الاستخدام
سياسة دعم العملاء
سياسة دعم العملاء
© حقوق الطبع والنشر 2024 Earn2Trade
إخلاء مسؤولية بشأن الاختبار:

في العام 2023، اجتاز ما نسبته 23.38% من المرشحين برنامج المسار الوظيفي للمتداول® وبرنامج التحدي المكثف™. يعتمد حساب هذه النسبة المئوية على عدد الاشتراكات التي نجحت مقابل عدد الاشتراكات الجديدة. ومن بين أولئك الذين أكملوا أيًا من البرنامجين بنجاح، اختار 16.73% التداول على حساب حقيقي، بينما اختار 83.27% منهم حساب LiveSim®. اختبار المسار الوظيفي للمتداول /اختبار التحدي المكثف™ هو محاكاة واقعية للتداول في ظروف السوق الفعلية ويصعب على أي متداول خبير اجتيازه. لا يُوصى باختبار برنامج المسار الوظيفي للمتداول® أو التحدي المكثف™ للأفراد عديمي الخبرة في التداول.

تحذير المخاطر:

ينطوي تداول العقود الآجلة والعملات الأجنبية على مخاطر كبيرة، وليس مناسباً لجميع مستثمر، يمكن للمستثمر أن يخسر كل أو أكثر من الاستثمار الأولي. رأس مال المخاطرة هو الأموال التي يمكن أن تضيع دون تعريض الأمن المالي أو نمط الحياة للخطر. يجب استخدام رأس مال المخاطرة فقط للتداول ، ويجب أن يفكر المتداولون فقط في رأس المال المخاطرة الكافي. الأداء في الماضي ليست بالضرورة مؤشرا على النتائج المستقبلية.

إخلاء مسؤولية بشأن الأداء الافتراضي:

تتضمن نتائج الأداء الافتراضي العديد من أوجه القصور الكامنة وراءها، والتي ستجد بعضها موصوفًا أدناه. لا يتم تقديم أي تمثيل بأن أي حساب سيحقق أو يحتمل أن يحقق أرباحًا أو خسائر مماثلة لتلك المعروضة؛ في الواقع، هناك اختلافات حادة في كثير من الأحيان بين نتائج الأداء الافتراضية والنتائج الفعلية التي يتم تحقيقها لاحقًا باستخدام أي برنامج تداول معين. وتتمثل إحدى قيود نتائج الأداء الافتراضية في أنها معدّة بشكل عام مع الاستفادة من الإدراك المتأخر. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لا ينطوي التداول الافتراضي على مخاطر مالية، ولا يمكن لأي سجل تداول افتراضي أن يفسر تأثير المخاطر المالية للتداول الفعلي بشكلٍ كامل. على سبيل المثال، تعد القدرة على تحمل الخسائر أو الالتزام ببرنامج تداول معين على الرغم من خسائر التداول نقاطًا جوهرية يمكن أن تؤثر سلبًا على نتائج التداول الفعلية. وهناك العديد من العوامل الأخرى المتعلقة بالأسواق بشكلٍ عام أو بتنفيذ أي برنامج تداول محدد، والتي لا يمكن تفسيرها بالكامل عند إعداد نتائج الأداء الافتراضي، وكلها يمكن أن تؤثر سلبًا على نتائج التداول.

إخلاء مسؤولية FINRA:

بيان الإفصاح عن مخاطر التداول اليومي

نحن نستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط لتحسين تجربتك. من خلال متابعة زيارتك لهذا الموقع، فأنت توافق على استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط.