Earn2Trade Blog
Discord Milestone

Day Trading Discord – 5,000 User Milestone Giveaway

Last Updated on September 15, 2023

Our goal at Earn2Trade is not just to give traders the opportunity to get funded but also to foster an informed, responsible, and open trading community. That’s why we launched our day trading Discord server in June 2021. Since then, the server has seen explosive growth: the users are savvy, the discussions are vibrant, and the fun is infectious.

Today we’re proud to see 5,000 active users on the server, traders or otherwise. This achievement would not have been possible without all of you. Thank you!

Giveaway on Earn2Trade’s Day Trading Discord Server

We’re announcing a giveaway for all users on our Discord to celebrate this milestone. If you’re not a user yet, don’t worry! The winners will be chosen and announced in two weeks on October 26, so you can still participate.

To take part in the giveaway, join the Earn2Trade’s day trading Discord server, go to #giveaway, and click on the emoji 🎉. If you don’t click it, you won’t count as a participant.

You only need to be level 1 to see the channel and participate. If you’re below that, just drop by the chat with a couple of messages, and you should reach it the same day. To see what level you’re currently at, type “!rank” on any channel that you can type in. If you have any questions, please ask an Admin, Mod, or Community Mod.

What can you win?

The 5,000th user will receive one free month of the Gauntlet Mini™ $150,000 account. After the first month, they’ll be rebilled at full price or can use the relevant current promotion. In addition, ten random users on the server will receive one of the following prizes:

  • The first prize is one free month of the Trader Career Path. After the first month, the same rules as above.
  • The second prize is one free month of the Gauntlet Mini™ $50,000 account. After the first month, the same rules as above.
  • The third prize is a 70% discount on the Gauntlet Mini™ $150,000 account. After the first month, the same rules as above.
  • The fourth prize is one free reset for the Trader Career Path or a Gauntlet Mini™ account of your choice.
  • The fifth to tenth winners will receive a 50% discount on one reset for the Trader Career Path or a Gauntlet Mini™ account of your choice.

After the giveaway ends on October 26, we’ll send the prize to the winner’s email. If we do not have your email, you will be tagged on Discord to provide it via a support ticket. You will have three days to respond to a tag or a private message asking for your email. If you do not respond on time, we will roll another winner in your position.

If you missed them, don’t forget to check out our previous announcements: