Earn2Trade Blog
Approved Times Rule

Approved Times Rule Change: Keeping Contracts Open Longer

Last Updated on September 15, 2023

As of this December, we’ll be updating one of the rules in both of our funding evaluation programs, the Trader Career Path and Gauntlet Mini™, to better meet the needs of traders. Candidates taking our evaluations were previously required to close all contracts and positions by 3:10 PM every day. Starting today, this deadline will increase to 3:50 PM CT, allowing everyone to trade 40 minutes longer.

This change will apply to all evaluations, including both new purchases and current subscriptions.

The Approved Times Rule

Candidates in our evaluations can begin trading when the exchange for their particular asset opens for trading. Generally, this is 5:00 PM CT but may differ based on holiday or asset.

  • All positions and working orders must be closed by 3:50 PM CT until 5:00 PM CT.
  • GF, HE, and LE must be closed by 1:05 PM CT until 5:00 PM CT.
  • XC, XK, ZC, ZW, ZS, ZM, and ZL must be closed by 7:45 AM until 8:30 AM CT and then again between 1:20 PM to 5:00 PM CT.

Trading can be conducted throughout the day, except over public holidays and any time when the exchanges are closed.

For the best results, we generally recommend traders flatten their contracts a few minutes before the deadline to avoid breaking the rule by accident. If you have any questions or would like to know how this affects your evaluation, contact us and let us know!

If you missed them, don’t forget to check out our previous announcements:

  • Traders can choose their own commissions in our dashboard.
  • Creating a trader funding program with a scaling plan.